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St. Michael’s Junior

Courageous Advocacy

Courageous Advocacy at All Angels’

At Clover Hill and St Michael’s, we encourage children to demonstrate how they can use their personal gifts to contribute to our community, support others and challenge injustice. We take positive actions for social justice, human rights, diversity and equality and the sustainability of our world.

We support our children and community to be informed about issues and take action. Speaking out about injustice starts in our school and supports our children being agents of change in the wider community and globally. Our children can be positive influencers who can bring about change.

The term “Courageous Advocacy” is used to refer to the act of speaking out, often on behalf of those who do not have a voice or who find it difficult to be heard.

“Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all
who are helpless.”

Proverbs 31 :8

It is important for our children to appreciate their place in their community, the role they need to play and develop a positive sense of identity. By taking responsibility, being able to look after themselves, look after other people and taking action where there is injustice, we are supporting building a better world.

What do we do that demonstrates the school promotes courageous advocacy?

  • We learn about other people who have stood up for what they believe and celebrate them in displays.
  • We explore equality and diversity and make sure that our Cultural Society shares information and knowledge about other cultures.
  • We sponsor a child – Willian Santiago Ortega Laurido who is 7 years old and lives in Colombia – so that he can have a good education.
  • We correspond with schools in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria and Malawi so that we can better understand schools across the world.
  • We have worked hard to achieve the Figtree Race and Equality Charter Mark to Silver level, demonstrating our commitment to tackling racism and discrimination.
  • We regularly take part in litter picking around the community with a local community group
  • Children train as Peer Mediators so that they can support others with conflict resolution.
  • Children take on roles of School Councillor and Eco-Councillor so that they can voice the views of others and take steps to improve school and our wider world for all.
  • We support charities by holding fundraising events for example, Comic Relief, Children in Need, The Children’s Society, Macmillan, Food Bank.
  • The school contributes to the monthly community news publication, keeping the local community informed of our activities and events.
  • The school has the Eco-flag and carries out regular ecologically focused activities and awareness raising projects.
  • Our children volunteer for supportive roles within the school – Reading Champions, Digital Leaders, Councillors – so that they can help others and support learning and the smooth running of the school.

Do all the good you can.
By all the means you can.
In all the places you can.
At all the times you can.
To all the people you can.
As long as you ever can.

John Wesley