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St. Michael’s Junior


E very class represented, 
C aring for our environment, 
O ur world needs all of us! 

C OP26 St Michael’s Climate Summit, 
O utstanding wildflowers to help wildlife, 
U nderstanding how we can make our world a better place, 
N o one is too small to make a difference! 
C hild led action for our school, 
I ncredibly, 400 trees were planted! 
L itter picks fortnightly in our community. 

At St Michael’s VA Junior School one of our priorities is to make our school (and community) a more eco-friendly place. This year, Eco-Council has: held a two-week Climate Summit to celebrate COP26; planted over 400 trees in our wood of hope; took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch; went on fortnightly litter picks and even went on a trip to a cement factory to recycle extra concrete and make it into slabs.